Degenerate Gambler

I have a co-worker who is a degenerate gambler. He has a few rental houses but he is years behind in his property taxes, credit cards maxed out and its been like this for a few years now.
He gambles on anything from street lotterys and scratch off tickets to charity poker tournys. About a year ago I showed him some things and gave him books about APing but he seemed to think he already has the answers and goes his own way. I've known the guy since childhood and do feel sorry for him. But when I talk to him about his problem he gets defensive and goes into denial. Is there anything that can be done for these types to help them get there act together? Or am I wasting my. I'm thinking its more waste of time than anything.
DegenerateDegenerate GamblerDegenerate GamblerDegenerate Gambler

Degenerate Gambler Definition

Degenerate Gambler: A day at the track. Close Copy to Clipboard. Recent horse-racing Headlines. Get the best sports betting information delivered straight to. The latest messages and market ideas from Sam (@DegenerateGambler) on Stocktwits. The largest community for investors and traders. The word “Degenerate” is passed along from gambler to gambler as almost a term of endearment when you actually aren’t a degenerate gambler, which is very different from people with actual gambling problems who would look at themselves being called a degenerate in a negative light.